
Showing posts from April, 2017

Where's the Coal at?

Sorry for not posting last week. There was too much going on in the world. So much in the news, so much fear, so much scrutiny. Our world just seemed so disjointed. But never fear, today I bring you good news! Live: Energy Consumption via the National Grid Notice anything fishy about this photo? Take a close look at the coal dial. This is no phoney photograph. Yes, the UK's National Grid, as I type the blog, has no coal powered electricity running through it. Today is a fume free Friday as the National Grid are aiming to run for an entire 24 hours without coal - the first time since Britain's Industrial Revolution! It's not even a particularly sunny day so this is quite amazing. The British Industrial Revolution The statement is astounding but, if we look a little more into what is fuelling today's electricity, we see nuclear and biomass topping the

Manipulation of the Truth

"I had to learn how biases can create a totally different world in the mind of the reader" - Professor Agnes Binagwaho - TEDx Skoll I read this on Twitter today and thought it should be valued as much more than a fleeting retweet. Over the years, I’ve come to realise how what we hear and see can so easily be manipulated. Many times by accident. In conversations and on the news, vital information can be forgotton, mispronounced or withheld. On the other side, the observer can also get it wrong through blanking information, misinterpretation or simply not knowing the background of the topic. As information is passed down and down through the crowd – what minute percentage can we actually trust? It’s the real-life game of Chinese Whispers. These are basic human mistakes. We have all done it on both sides; intended or unintended, biased or elaborating, good intentions or bad intentions. The blurry line exists when deciding whether a bias is a lie or not. Is it?