
Showing posts from June, 2018

Palm Oil: A New Mission

Exams - Are - Over During this past year, A Levels took their footing and I'm afraid the blogging had to take a step back. Nonetheless I am grateful for the ideas and concepts I've learned and, hopefully, they will come of good use here. This Summer, I've decided to focus on one topic: Palm Oil.  All the way from production to distribution to consumption. It's use, detrimental environmental effects and what alternatives we have. An ever pressing issue, I hope to showcase our entanglement with such monstrous acts and how we are, consciously, walking into our own extinction. The aim: to reduce the unsustainable use of palm oil. For this, I need your help. Indonesia is the biggest producer of Palm Oil globally. What's more, "less than 10% of companies in Borneo (an island of which almost two thirds lies in Indonesia) produce palm oil using sustainable methods to an international standard." - According to a BBC documentary in 2018;  Red Ape: