
Showing posts from September, 2017

A Busy Year

Hello again! I have to own up; I haven't been blogging for a few weeks. I'll admit, it's been a quite hectic and whilst there's certainly not been a lack of topics to discuss (seemingly increasing climatic disasters and Trump's refusal to associate such events with climate change), I'm afraid A-Levels have started to take their toll. Yes, The Final Year of Sixth Form, The Pre-Uni Year has finally turned up. However, I'll still be active. I'm going to set myself a target to post 1 video a month, keeping the climate awareness rising. Hopefully, over this year we shall see a growing shift; a movement to a cleaner, greener more prosperous way of living for Earth. 80% world's energy still comes from fossil fuels and we still are not on target to stop the 2 degree temperature rise in order to prevent us stepping over the threshold. In order to see a change next year, when I return to blogging, we must make changes today. The decision starts w


Often I go on about the great wonder that exists on this planet. Right in front of our eyes we can see the Earth's dynamics; constantly changing season, shifting appearance and growing new species. I wonder how long our ancestors wondered about this? About the beauty of this Earth and how it continually flourishes. I wonder what it was like when we first discovered the Earth's natural cycle and how, on it's own, the Earth recycles its nature. Unfortunately, it seems that we did not get it right at first. In his book ' The Meaning of the 21st Century '  James Martin lists 7 misconceptions humankind has believed through the past (and a few still may today). Here are 3 of them: -  We believed nature's resources were unlimited. It's quite clear now. For thousands of years our localised view of the world taught us that the Amazon basin was always filled, forests supplied firewood and there were plenty of fish in the sea. However as globalisation grew ra