
Showing posts from September, 2016

Climate Reality

This. Bill Nye, what a guy. I used to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy in my Year 3 Science class. Hearing him again brings an essence of nostalgia. It feels like an age. It makes me realise how long we've known about our world's danger, and pushed its screams to the side. How many opportunities we've had. How many times we've ignored. How many times we've 'tried'. But, no more negativity! Now is our chance to take what we've learnt and DO SOMETHING about it. Let's cease this one and last opportunity. Our only opportunity to make right what we did wrong. We can do so many things and make so many changes to our lives. It only takes a small nudge of positivity within us.  We're not that far but we are getting further and further away from a stable world. H _ M     :) Bibliography:

Witty Timelines

I've never been a history fanatic. I'll admit, every now and then I feel like checking out a museum or watching a documentary, but it's never been of important interest to me. Needless to say, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate an explicit, colourful and humorous timeline when I see it. Earlier today, I was checking out my Twitter feed and this popped up on my feed; 'Two charts show carbon pollution will end the era of stable climate. Only one is funny.' Now whomever created this was one of those clever, intuitive type. A bit long, I grant you, but just hold out until the end. You'll be grateful you saw it. I'd never seen any presentation of our situation like this before - what a fantastic way to do it! If only more people knew about it. Perhaps you could print it out, stick it in a classroom or pin it in the workplace. Just to get it seen. In busses, magazines, newspapers. It's eye-catching look & witty comments will grab the

Take a Look at Yourself and Make a Change

'TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF AND MAKE A CHANGE' Ever feel like you're not being yourself? Like you're following a social consensus in order to feel self-assured and 'normal'? It's what the famous ones do, what the government allow. It's OK...? Well no. It's not always 'OK'. The fact is, nobody knows  what's right and what's wrong. That is why there's so much debate and confusion. So much anger, so much hate. We have juries for this exact reason. An example of mine is energy. The exponential population growth has resulted in an ever increasing demand in fuel for heating and electricity for appliances such as kettles, TV's and phones, which are now becoming part of routine life. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to prevent economic development and, believe me, I don't want to go back to medieval life where people just  survived  and struggled to live through the freezing Winter months - that is definitely not