Palm Oil: The Worst Thing Since Sliced Bread?

You're out doing your weekly shop at the supermarket, grabbing the essentials (whilst sneaking in a few luxuries). You've got your organic vegetables, free range eggs and locally sourced milk. Your "environmental folklore", as sustainability strategist Leyla Acaroglu calls it, is buzzing with excitement. ( Click here to see Leyla's insightful TEDTalk which encourages us to re-think what classifies as a 'green' product ). Even at the till, you refuse plastic carrier bags because you're the environmental superhero who remembered their recycled and reusable bags. #winning. But, alas, every hero has their kryptonite. You take the biodiesel bus home, tuck into a vegan sandwich whilst you read this blog post and realise your downfall: Palm Oil. Hidden in around half of all packaged goods in supermarkets, palm oil is probably the most widely used and little known culprit of environmental degradation. It is in detergent and margarine, lipstick and slic...