
The illustrious tail of the Snow Leopard. The ivory tusks of the African Elephant. The fuzz-ball that is the Great Panda. What is it you think of when the the words "endangered" or "extinction" flash red in front of your eyes? For millennia, humans have been fascinated by the mighty beasts with whom they walk alongside. Their grandeur, their stature. The way they stand, ablaze with nature. Indeed, the vibrancy of life is contagious. For us humans, witnessing such wonders both humbles the mind and animates the spirit. We have evolved with nature and it's health is our health; integral to our survival. It is only natural to desire displays of such wild, unrefined colour. Fleeting spectacles of art you can just about comprehend. Perhaps also stemming from our longing to be like them, our love of the big and beautiful creatures of this Earth is concrete. Rock art depicting animal life dating from 6000 BC in Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria (United ...