An Image
Hey there, long time no see!
It's been a while since I last posted. These last few weeks have been somewhat hectic and confusing; both in my own life and in global news. So much so that not only have I struggled to find the time to write but, I've also struggled to hone down on one topic to write about.
I'd like to try something different today. I'd like to break free from current affairs, the noise of political debates, and do a reflection. You may describe it as a refreshment of ideas or a reminder of what matters to you most.
To welcome you back, I'd like to present you with an image:
What do you see?
Now what an artist might say (I, for one, am not skilled with the paintbrush and would not dare to draw if you asked me so please don't quote me on what an artist would actually remark!) is that this piece signifies the connection we humans have to the Earth. It appears the person's strength stems from his connection to the ground. Being a part of nature is fulfilling.
This person flourishes. In fact not only him, the human, but the roots too. See how they appear to still be growing? Just like a plant, the whole entity continues to grow. The human providing the plant and vice versa.
This person knows he is rooted to the ground, despite, his roots being invisible to him. Recognising his past and where he comes from enables him to open his eyes to the beauty of life he is a part of. Acknowledging that what he perceives is merely subjective allows this realisation and understanding of his role in this world. Now he can think for himself, decide for himself and open up a world of possibility.
It appears the human who is connected to nature is strong, balanced and happy.
So what does all this mean to us? You may ask me now why I took such a convoluted journey in this blog today! Indeed, this is all quite new to me however, I consider these metaphors a much more accessible method to understanding the world around us in these rapidly-changing, ever-more confusing times. It gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves about what it is that is important to us and what we can do, in line with our morals, to protect what we hold dear.
So I ask you one last question:
What relevance does this image hold in the 21st century?
If you would like to add to this list, again please feel free to comment below. For me, this is what I take from the image:
It's been a while since I last posted. These last few weeks have been somewhat hectic and confusing; both in my own life and in global news. So much so that not only have I struggled to find the time to write but, I've also struggled to hone down on one topic to write about.
I'd like to try something different today. I'd like to break free from current affairs, the noise of political debates, and do a reflection. You may describe it as a refreshment of ideas or a reminder of what matters to you most.
To welcome you back, I'd like to present you with an image:
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You looked at the image and probably saw a human (man or woman). In place of the legs were a mass of roots. Or, perhaps you saw the roots of a plant and, where you perceived the leaves and flowers to be, were the arms and the head of a human being.
I'd like you to have another look now and try to think about what this image trying to show you. In your mind, what symbolism does this image hold?
Of course, there are no right or wrong answers. Everything you're reading right now is my own opinion and it has just as equal a right as yours to be heard. No more, no less. If you would like to question me or express your own ideas, please feel free to comment below; as always I would love to hear your opinion.
To me, the person depicted is strong. Perhaps not so much physically as mentally as he does not stand in an imposing, dominant manner. It appears to me that this person is proud but not smug. He knows who he is. This is his strength and this is what makes him happy.
I'd like you to have another look now and try to think about what this image trying to show you. In your mind, what symbolism does this image hold?
Of course, there are no right or wrong answers. Everything you're reading right now is my own opinion and it has just as equal a right as yours to be heard. No more, no less. If you would like to question me or express your own ideas, please feel free to comment below; as always I would love to hear your opinion.
To me, the person depicted is strong. Perhaps not so much physically as mentally as he does not stand in an imposing, dominant manner. It appears to me that this person is proud but not smug. He knows who he is. This is his strength and this is what makes him happy.
Now what an artist might say (I, for one, am not skilled with the paintbrush and would not dare to draw if you asked me so please don't quote me on what an artist would actually remark!) is that this piece signifies the connection we humans have to the Earth. It appears the person's strength stems from his connection to the ground. Being a part of nature is fulfilling.
This person flourishes. In fact not only him, the human, but the roots too. See how they appear to still be growing? Just like a plant, the whole entity continues to grow. The human providing the plant and vice versa.
This person knows he is rooted to the ground, despite, his roots being invisible to him. Recognising his past and where he comes from enables him to open his eyes to the beauty of life he is a part of. Acknowledging that what he perceives is merely subjective allows this realisation and understanding of his role in this world. Now he can think for himself, decide for himself and open up a world of possibility.
It appears the human who is connected to nature is strong, balanced and happy.
So what does all this mean to us? You may ask me now why I took such a convoluted journey in this blog today! Indeed, this is all quite new to me however, I consider these metaphors a much more accessible method to understanding the world around us in these rapidly-changing, ever-more confusing times. It gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves about what it is that is important to us and what we can do, in line with our morals, to protect what we hold dear.
So I ask you one last question:
What relevance does this image hold in the 21st century?
If you would like to add to this list, again please feel free to comment below. For me, this is what I take from the image:
- Strength stems from knowing you are a part of the world.
- In a society ruled by money, deadlines and societal expectations themselves, it can be easy to forget what life surrounds you. Indeed, in a society that is experiencing a rise in mental health difficulties, violent conflicts and 'fake news,' it can be hard to know what to believe or where to turn. It is hard to find peace and time for your own unbiased thoughts yet, the wordless notes of nature, you may find an answer.
- Simply growing your own vegetables and breaking away from commercial ideologies will allow you to reestablish that knowledge that you are part of something greater. The world supports you. One day you will return to it and support another.
- We are nothing without this world.
- Before the Industrial Revolution, the human population remained relatively steady with roughly 500,000 people globally. It then increased and since the mid 20th century the figure has risen exponentially. As of today there are over 7.5 billion of us, increasing at almost 90 million people a year. It's amazing what we've achieved in sustaining so many lives however, we have lost balance. If we use the image as an example we can say that the human has enlarged yet the roots have not increased in size. The world is the same size. Actually, it's diminishing. We are wrecking this planet. The longer we believe we are mighty, the more blurry the connection between us and the Earth because, for a short while life appears more prosperous, yet we present more harm to that which supports us; only to bite back later on.
- We have the power to manipulate this planet to our own benefit, just as every creature does. Yet, we seem to have gone too far. Continuing this way is killing everyone and everything. As we speak. The beautiful thing is, we have the power to change it.
Graph to show how the global population has changed and is predicted to change from 1050-2050 |
- It is the choice of the individual.
- We are just one creature among many but we have been lucky enough to establish the skill of thinking. Ignorance is built into human life. It allows us to survive when others suffer. This dissociation and distribution of blame is any easy escape route. It is highly unlikely that any one citizen who I pass today will ever be held accountable for climate change and their impact on the world. Don't get me wrong, I believe this is fair as it's hard to establish how much people actually know. Most of the time, we don't know what we are doing. But if we feel uneasy or unsure about something, shouldn't we at least try and make sense of it?
- We're lucky. We're the only species ever known, on the whole of this planet, of the estimated 8.7 million species to exist (not including prokaryotes; organisms without a nucleus) to be able to have such 'wisdom' and be able to build upon it. Why waste such a skill? Let's harness this beautiful power and learn, develop, thrive. Yes, we all make mistakes. There are plenty more to come but, as many have said before me, it's what makes us human.
By addressing everything we know, might we finally find a solution to our problems?
It may not seem enough, but us is all we need to face our 21st century problems. I mean, look at what we have achieved so far in the mere 200,000 years Homo sapiens have been in existence!
Addressing our issues may only occur once we are all on common ground to accept that we are mere biological entities existing in the natural cycle. I fear, such recognition can and will only be established once it is too late.
H _ M
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