Will the US President be a Leader?

Leaders of the largest 7 economies, worldwide, will meet today to discuss the issues facing our planet.

The G7 (Group of 7) is holding it's annual, informal talk in Sicily without any media present. The group has leaders from France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, the US and the UK. We are being told that key discussions on the list today include international trade, climate security and prevention of terrorism.
These talks come just a few days after the devastating attack in Manchester Arena on Monday 22nd May 2017. My heart goes out to those directly affected and suffering through their loss. My heart goes out to all those within our nation and beyond, because, what happened on Monday has repercussions for us all. It hurts our ability to allow equality for everyone. We can move beyond this violence and one day find settled ground. Terrorism is a global concern. We can all fight it - without the need for violence.

Taormina, city host of the G7 summit 2017
So today, I'm just going to say it, Trump is meeting to discuss climate change.
I say 'discuss.' The Guardian reports that Trump is to remain in 'listening mode' for the next few weeks. This could mean he choses to take in the words being dispensed between other leaders today and thoroughly weigh-up his thoughts. However, I can't help seeing a picture being painted in my mind of Trump dozing off - much like a teenager in a stuffy classroom who is just, as the kids would say, 'done.'

I hope I'm proved wrong. In some way I believe that he will be swayed by the urging words of our powerful leaders. Perhaps the threat of migration due to swathes of desertification might eventually push him over? Perhaps the almost indisputable evidence may just strike a cord within him? Perhaps the growing threats of devastation to our land and community might finally tug on a couple of heartstrings.
There is lots of scrutiny about President Donald Trump. So much of what he's said, so much of what he's preached, done and acted on has caused upwellings of disputes. However, I'm willing to give him one more shot. One more attempt to gain my respect. One more try at being the successful & uniting face of humanity he set out to be.

A Tweet made by Donald Trump in 2015. Could he change?
If he can do this for us, it maybe, just maybe, will be the catalyst kick-starting the decline in fossil fuel corrupted governance.He could finally allow the world to boom into a sustainable environment.

President Donald Trump - I ask it upon you to listen with your heart, your mind, and your soul to what evidence is put before you. There is no jury - just you, alone.

Can we persuade you to keep our society safe?

H _ M



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